Friday, March 9, 2012

The results of Super's free day!

Holy crap. So, if you were following me on Twitter yesterday, you might have noticed me acting like something of a dork. Okay, a lot of dork. Super was absolutely free yesterday, and the results were incredible. Almost three hundred of you downloaded copies; over eighty of those copies were downloaded between nine p.m. and midnight, when I stopped promoting. Super got as high as fifteenth place in the Contemporary Fantasy category. For one hour, I was even ranked ahead of Jenny Pox, a book that I have nothing but love for. That's huge, and a pretty good reason for me to stay in the KDP Select program. Now, here's what I'd like to ask of all you guys who downloaded the book: please review. Reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are my major weak point right now, so if you like what you're reading, please review!

For now, I'm saving my four additional free days for May 9-May 13 to coincide with the release of Fire With Fire. I'm still undecided on staying with KDP Select as a permanent thing as opposed to rotating books in and out to promote new releases (I'm also not sure if my Twitter feed will tolerate me, as I was fairly...aggressive in my promotions yesterday), but this is a promising start. I have nothing but effusive thanks for everyone who retweeted and cheered me on yesterday, I could not have done it without you.

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